After War

The Fourth War was a global war fought between the Alliance and Horde after the end of the third invasion of Azeroth by the Burning Legion.
In the aftermath, the Horde entered into an armistice with the Alliance.
The armistice was not met with complete faith. On the Alliance, Tyrande Whisperwind refused to sign this pact and became distant from the rest of the Alliance leadership.
The Horde, with Sylvanas Windrunner gone, refused to name a new warchief. Instead, the Horde Council was formed. With an armistice signed between Anduin Wrynn and the Horde Council, the two factions began to move away from conflict with one another.
The Faction Guilds are now divided to keep the peace or stay at war.

Faction Guild

A Guild can keep their allegiance to their current Faction, following only The Horde or The Alliance,  everything stay the same, and their Guild house can only be located on their current faction cities.
- You keep your faction reputation
- Can invite to guild or group only members of the same faction.
- Can join guild or group of the same faction.
- Warmode enable PvP with players of the opposite faction and players of neutral guilds.

Neutral Guild

A Guild that lose their allegiance to the factions. This Guild is neutral and can recruit all players of all races of Azeroth. The player that accept a Neutral Guild invite will be warned that will have some punishes. A Neutral guild can have a Guild house only in Neutral cities.
 - Lose faction rep to max friendly
 - Still hated to the opposite faction
 - Can join mixed faction group of the same Guild
 - Can join mixed faction raid group of the same Guild
 - Warmode enable PvP against everyone that is not in your guild.


Guild House Locations:
 - Durotar
- Eversong Woods
- Mulgore
- DazarĀ“alor
- Suramar


Guild House Locations
 - Broken Shore
 - Terokkar Forest
 - Tanaris
 - Stranglethorn Vale


Guild House Locations
 - Elwnyn Forest
 - Dun morog
 - Azuremyst isle
 - Tiregarde sound
 - Mechagon

More about Neutral Guild

Guild House PvP

This is a New Battleground, where a Guild need to defend their guild house and attack the enemies Guild House. It is a 15x15 Battleground, the map will remember the Warfront mode, and the zone will change based on the location of the Guild House of the Defender.

Each side will gain a VIP NPC based on their faction (Neutral Guild will have Neutral NPC Mercenaries). Each side start with 1500 reinforcements and lose one on each death. VIP worth 500.

Defend your House: Hold the gates, kill the attackers till they deplete their reinforcements. 

Invade a Guild house: Destroy the gates, kill the defenders till their reinforcements. reach zero.